
Alleb'ei Chicken and Rooster

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The chicken

The chicken, originally a forest animal, has undergone major changes in the past century: it has to grow rapidly to produce meat, the puffed chicken, and the task of the laying hens is to lay extremely many eggs, both at the expense of their own health and well-being.

In traditional agriculture, the usual chicken breeds have only one goal: as many eggs as possible and meat as quickly as possible. This starting point ensures, among other things, that the brothers of the laying hens are obsolete and are gassed or otherwise killed as day-old chicks.



Health food stores often contain eggs and chicken from the same fast-growing breeds, although they get better feed and better conditions.

The cocks, brothers of the hens, stay alive but are not suitable for meat.

In organic farming the aim is for animal welfare and closed cycles, where both hens and roosters have the right to a nice life and a meaningful place in the agricultural system.


The dual purpose chicken

The solution is an organic chicken breed with a dual purpose: eggs and meat. Because with a double-purpose chicken, the hen lays eggs and the roosters get the right to exist as meat cocks.

The development of a professional organic dual purpose chicken turned out to be a long search of more than twenty years. A healthy chicken that lays eggs almost every day and has enough meat on its bones was not just developed.


The Sasso

Thanks to a long collaboration between veterinarians, farmers, researchers and feed suppliers, we have succeeded in developing a promising dual purpose chicken by crossing old authentic breeds that preserve the original properties, the hens lay enough eggs and the rooster provides tasty meat: the Sasso chicken, where the hens and cocks are descended from organic Sasso mother chickens.


Natural & healthy

Like most birds, the Sasso hens and cocks don't really look alike.

The hens are elegant grey hens with a black head. The cocks have a colorful plumage and a beautiful red comb.

The strength of Sasso chickens is that the animals develop in a natural way. The hens lay their first egg at a relatively later age and the rooster is only mature after 16 to 18 weeks.

The hens lay a few fewer eggs than a current laying hen. This leaves them with more energy and calcium to live a healthy life without broken bones.


Chicken cart

The Sasso chickens live outside in and around a mobile chicken cart. Every week, the cart is moved and they walk on a fresh piece of grass with clovers, insects and worms. They have plenty of space and can maintain their natural social behavior by scavenging, dust-bathing, and eating. The chickens can go in and out of the cart for fresh water, extra food, to lay their eggs in peace and quiet and go out in the evening. In addition to each hen, there is also a rooster that ensures a natural predominance.


Quality of life

Because the Sasso chickens from Alleb' ei 'are of an original breed, they show a similar behavior with a natural lifestyle and rhythm. During the day, they like to scurry outside under bushes and trees, take a sand bath every day and go out at dusk. Both hens and cocks have a calm and friendly character and are much less likely to peck peers. They are strong happy chickens that behave socially and exercise a lot. It provides delicious eggs and tasty meat gives the animals a high quality of (together) living.



Eggs, meat and more

A Sasso hen lays an average of 260 eggs per year, which are sold at ODIN stores in the Netherlands.

The cocks provide delicious tender meat. After the end of their laying, the hens also have a second goal as full-fledged chickens. Because the chickens move a lot, the meat is firm and tender.

The cocks and hens are slaughtered by De Groene Weg. The organic chicken meat is available at DeGroene Weg and Ekoplaza. You can recognize the meat of the Sasso by its somewhat redder color and fuller taste.

De Kleinste Soepfabriek makes tasty organic soup and broth from bones and meat.

The Sasso is a good development for chickens, farmers and consumers.